The Witness: Lab 07

Header Image 1

The Greenhouse

Seeing is believing in this illusory greenhouse of myriad hues.

You Are Here

Witness Map Lab 7

Key Insights

Filtered Information Coalescent Colors Sunlit Sagacity
Thumbnail 1 Thumbnail 2 Thumbnail 3

Audio Logs

Filtered Information

Insight Image 1

Group Discussion: What role do these filtered panels play in the greenhouse?

Coalescent Colors

There are many vibrantly hued plants scattered on and across the greenhouse.

Insight Image 2

Group Discussion: What specific sections of plant life aid in furthering your understanding of color theory?

Sunlit Sagacity

Insight Image 3

Group Discussion: How do changes in environment lighting effect your ability to perceive colors accurately?

Arthur Eddington

Find a way to access this primary green level to hear a musing by Arthur Eddington and his thoughts on the people of Laputa.

Audio Log 1

Completing Lab 7

This part of the island is complete when the final puzzle is solved and the laser fires into the sky. Nice work!

Laser Capture Image

The Witness Journal Entry #7

Write a journal entry on what you learned from this lab. Pretend that you are a scientist exploring this island for the very first time. Choose one of the prompts below (either 1, 2, or 3) to respond to in your journal entry.

  1. Alternate Perceptions
    • Detail your procedure for solving the puzzles on the first floor of the greenhouse.
    • What environmental clues aided or hindered your completion of this section of the greenhouse? Explain.
    • How does the level of difficulty change when you perceive the problem in a different light?
  2. An Elevated Experience
    • Contemplate the puzzle challenges built into the elevator sequence in the greenhouse.
    • What lesson(s) does this section of the area convey to you? Explain.
    • What information is “lost” because of the broken power line? How did you “regain” this information?
  3. A Theory of Color
    • Does the greenhouse help players to understand color theory? Explain.
    • What previous lessons from The Witness, in combination with lessons learned from this area, helped you to complete these puzzles?
    • Consider Arthur Eddington’s thoughts on perceiving the World through purely scientific means. Can life be summarized solely through scientific measurement, such as the wavelength of light? Discuss your thoughts on this.

Final Journal Requirement:

After responding to one of the items above, discuss the solution to a particular puzzle that challenged you. Explain the mechanics of this puzzle in detail and how you came to understand them. If it helps, feel free to include screenshots or sketches of the puzzle.